Introductory video "Hope That Motivates"

2 years ago

In this 13+ minute video done approximately 1 year ago I cover a little bit of where I come from mentally and where I intend to go; from scripture, to bring hope to a lost and dying world. More than that, a lasting, abiding hope to believers in this world but not of it. Way too many false pastors are not giving truth to most believers who strongly engage this world daily in stressful ways. We should be better equipped than we are. Biblical hope is eternal; based on the eternal nature of God. We're encouraged in Hebrews to fixate on Jesus, the leader and perfecter of faith who for the joy set before Him (that's you and me He envisioned) endured the cross scorning it's shame, completed His objective and sat down ant the right hand of the Father. We are to consider Him who endured such sinful opposition from men so we don't grow weary and lose heart. In other words, fixing our eyes on Jesus is the key to walking above these crashing waves of existence. He is our hope eternal. Christ in You, the hope of glory. Colossians 1:25-29 Philippians 4:8.

One more thing, God tells us in 1 John that God is love and he that doesn't know God doesn't know love. Well, the opposite is true then; that when we know God we know love. He goes on to say that perfect love casts out all fear, because fear involves punishment. So, what He's telling us is to the degree we're perfected in His love correlates to the degree fear is obliterated in our lives. Why? Because punishment is gone, eradicated by Jesus through His death. He traded us, He took our condemnation of death and gave us His love and life. So, we need to be very serious in interacting with God to allow His perfecting love to be expressed; not resisting in any way to receive it, to avoid being overwhelmed. He's constantly trying to communicate His eternally committed love through the Holy Spirit He's given us.

I'm convinced throughout my life to be very Christ conscious, Christ centric. That's where all good things for the mind, body and soul originate. Just look at this in Revelation 19:10 alone here:

Then I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, “Do not do that; I am a fellow servant of yours and your brethren who hold the testimony of Jesus; worship God. For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”

Do you perceive what this is telling us. Even the key to understanding all prophecy, the very life's breath of prophecy is fixing our spiritual eyes on Him; Christ alone. All prophecy sources from Him and points to Him. That will be my focus in future videos. A love affair with Jesus, my eyes beholding my lovely Bridegroom as Song of Songs or Song Of Solomon speaks of; "My lover is mine and I am His." That's where our hope lies when all elsewhere "seems" hopeless! He came to bring us life, His life eternal. That's the true gospel; the good news.

For now you can see 3 other videos I've created at Here are the following links:

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