Putin’s Victory Day parade backfires as weapons exposed as outdated and volatile

2 years ago

FAMILIARITY breeds contempt - which makes one wonder: if Vladimir Putin's Victory Day military parade was supposed to be a display of terrifying technological prowess, why did it fail to really show off anything we hadn't seen before?
Held in Moscow’s Red Square on May 9, the Victory Day Parade is part of the Russian Federation’s annual celebrations of the anniversary of the triumph over Nazi Germany. While the spectacle is ostensibly about demonstrating the connection of the present with path, analysts have long suggested that, for Russia, they are as much about presenting a display of military prowess to the West. During his speech, Putin made the anticipated comparisons between his current “special operation” against Ukraine and World War 2 but fell short of declaring the invasion as an actual “war”, which would have enabled mass mobilisation of Russian forces.

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