Founder of The Fresh Inspiration Show : Rhonda Lou Moxie

2 years ago

Rhonda Lou Moxie (dba Rhonda Liebig) is a speaker, published author, certified health mentor, and founder of The Fresh Inspiration Show. With over 10 years in the business world, and 20 years of experience in the health and wellness industry, she has overcome personal health struggles by learning how to stop, reframe, and revitalize. A negative mindset can destroy positive intentions, leading to the same poor results repeatedly. Rhonda was on thyroid medicine for 20 years and she is going to share the key to vitality and success through using both physical and emotional awareness. She speaks to audiences internationally on the how to’s that increase vitality and clarity of mind so that they can live the life and business that they love. Rhonda is a frequent featured guest on local television stations, bestselling author, and founder of The Fresh Inspiration Show – a platform for speakers to support audiences in high-quality Mindset Transformation Entertainment as they tour in person, Northern California, Las Vegas, and Arizona. NOW an International Show in podcast and ROKU TV.


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