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Shepard’s Needle

2 years ago

Even if we do not succeed in always catching a fish, there is always something positive to harvest from the experience 🌱🌻🏴‍☠️

In this case, we slow down and have a seat, to discover the secret of a busy little Honey Bee 🐝.

Shepard’s Needle!🌱

An arguable “Miracle Plant” it can work many wonders when properly utilized!

Shepards Needle is the 3rd largest contributing plant in Florida to the production of Honey! 🍯

In this video we touch briefly on some of the benefits of Shepard’s needle and it’s potential usage!

As we continue the voyage, I am certain we will get well acquainted with the Shepard’s Needle and it’s positive impact for people who seek to broaden their horizons; choosing more health-minded considerations!

⚠️Conduct proper research prior to foraging ⚠️
-not every plant is meant for consumption
-not all plants are in a location optimal for harvest

⚠️ Be mindfull of how to forage ⚠️
- Baring in mind proper etiquette: do not over harvest!

For more be sure to like, comment, and subscribe!

To help support the voyage, the
will guide you to the proper dock!

#florida #foraging #freedom #getoutside #outdoors #savethebees #honeybee #thinkgreen #thinkoutofthebox


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