Are You An Elvis Fan, A Catholic Priest, or Both? Doug Billings

2 years ago

Are you an Elvis fan, a Catholic priest, or both?
The Right Side with Doug Billings™ is one of the most popular conservative and social commentary programs in America and around the world. Doug started his show in February 2020 after having been furloughed from a 22-year human resources executive career in the manufacturing & healthcare industry. He was a victim of the wildly unnecessary economic shutdowns due to the pandemic. It was at this time he took note of our beloved Republic in a new way. Many who meet Doug, compare him to the late Rush Limbaugh including General Flynn and Glenn Beck. Rush was a mentor to Doug. Doug remains centered on God, and he embraces humility. Recent podcast ratings put the show at #10 in the United States and at the top 10 news commentary shows in dozens of countries. With Doug’s powerful voice high-level guest and his ability to see through fake news, h has brought his show to relevance. It’s no wonder that this program is being noticed and labeled as one of the most influential conservative political and social commentary shows in the world.

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