Help! I'm stuck in an abusive relationship (and so are you)!

3 years ago

When we map government and Big Tech/Media actions against a known list of the techniques abusers use in personal relationships, what do we find? A perfect match. 15 out of 15.

In part II - over at Peak Prosperity - we're discussing the 5 Great Lies that "they" are busy trying to rewrite. Those are:

1. 800,000 Americans have died from Covid
2. The vaccines are universally safe and effective
3. There are no effective early treatments
4. Hospitals are filled with the unvaccinated
5. Hospitals are filled with Covid patients

As if these horrible offenses were not enough, we are also being subjected to psychological manipulation and abuse by our governments and institutions virtually indistinguishable from those of any abusive human relationships.

Today, these Big Lies are being systematically dismantled by the very same people who erected them, and we should not allow them to get away with it.
Their lies caused people to die, caused great economic and social harm, and ruined a generation of childhoods for two whole years.
These people need to be publicly rebuked and never be allowed to forget their roles or move past their personal and professional negligence and personal liability for their obedience to obvious and harmful falsehoods.

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Episode 042

00:00 - Intro
00:54 - How To Find Out if You are in An Abusive Relationship With Your Covernment. A 15 Step Guide
01:13 - #1: Stops You From Seeing Friends and Family
01:57 - #2: Won’t Let you Go Out Without Permission
02:46 - #3: Tell You What To Wear
03:16 - #4: Monitors Your Phone or Emails
03:49 - #5: Controls the Finances or Won’t Let you Work
05:12 - #6&7: Controls What You Read, Watch & Say and Monitors You
07:11 - #8: Punish you for breaking rules but the rules keep changing
08:21 - #9: Tell you it’s for your own good, and that they know better
08:53 - #10: Don’t allow you to question things
09:31 - #11: Tell you you’re crazy, and no one agrees with you
13:47 - #12: Call you names or shame you for being stupid or selfish
17:20 - #13: Gaslight you & make you doubt yourself
19:44 - #14: Dismiss your opinions
22:23 - #15: Play the victim, blame you if things go wrong
25:00 - Options: Leave

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