What Does the Bible Say About Healing? - Barbara O'Neill 3/5

2 years ago

What does the Bible say about healing? A lot! Healing is a Bible-based principle. In fact, Jesus spent more time healing than preaching. Is there a Bible verse about sickness that explains its cause and how to avoid getting sick? What can we learn about disease in the Bible? If you’ve ever asked yourself, Why do I keep getting sick, you may be surprised at the Bible’s answers.

It is God’s perfect will for us to be healthy and He will help us in our efforts to heal. But it’s our responsibility to do our part because the Bible tells us that we are not our own. We have been bought with a price – the precious blood of the Son of God. In addition, our bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost and God desires to dwell in us. What does it mean to be a “living sacrifice”?

Bio Of Barbra O Neil
Naturopath and nutritionist, Barbara O’Neill became interested in natural health when her first child became ill and spent weeks in hospital. This motivated her to investigate the cause, find a remedy, and live a lifestyle that would prevent this from happening again. At 26, she embraced Christianity which gave her a new perspective on the human body as an intricately designed organism with in-built mechanisms to self-heal. Barbara was particularly inspired by the health writings of Ellen G White.

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