What took place around the World

2 years ago

Corporate Governance, a broad topic exploring specifically how The UNITED STATES of AMERICA became a corporate entity and has levied each of its citizens into the corporate structure.

Our goal is to inform on the transition from a government municipal working in constitutional “rights protected” & incorporated “providing services that do not compete with general business of the people” to full CORPORATION STATUS no longer a true municipal which violates your unalienable rights through the presumption you are a CORPORATION and not created by God.

Without comprehending the vast history that has led to this moment in time, one cannot reclaim their sovereignty guaranteed.

Numerous agendas have surfaced, including Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 led by the United Nations to dismantle individual rights. Common Law courts have taken a back seat in an unprecedented time.

Being informed is your first step.

We welcome you to connect with https://www.entityfl.com or attend one of our free classes exploring Corporate Governance, your role(s), responsibility, or how to advocate on your local level to guarantee your rights, secure your wealth, and access more liberty understanding Corporate structuring.

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