Let Freedom Ride ( Remix minus pops )

2 years ago

Album and singles available @ https://kdal08.wixsite.com/the-beginning patriot185659@gmail.com Special thanks and shout out to frytvnow ( the first stop for the best streams )for all his hard work and many hours helping all the streamers/new media to get up and going. Also for being the original central command for all the streams. Please visit https://www.youtube.com/user/frytvnow Don't forget to like, subscribe and hit the bell.
The music on this channel is all written and composed by me Kenny Dalton, patriot 185659@gmail.com
It’s Time to End THE DECLARATION OF NATIONAL EMERGENCY CONCERNING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC and Restore Our Nation’s Constitution. Please support The People's Convoy
Visit, https://thepeoplesconvoy.org to donate! Please click "Show More" Below.
WE Need Action Now!!
Make Some Noise! Call There Phones, Email, Show UP, make banners, flyers, offer your services.
Do something, anything (peace full) to have effect. Make your voice be heard! Contact your local, state and federal representatives, over and over and over. Let them know that if they don't support The People's Convoy, WE WILL VOTE THEM OUT! THEY WORK FOR US!. Also a shout out to, The trash monkeys, Soup mamma, Guitar dude (Funky Fathers), motorcycle dude, firewood dude, camp badass, all the organizers and any others who have donated to the cause.
If we let this movement fail our freedoms will fail with it.
Please contact me for further information. patriot 185659@gmail.com
Kenny Dalton

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