CDA City Council Members Discuss Limiting Freedom

2 years ago

This is an important video to watch to understand the way our city council haphazardly approaches limiting freedom when addressing elected officials. You can start to see a slow erosion of our rights happening right in front of you.

Several new rules are discussed. These rules highlighted involve only CDA residents addressing the council, only content pertaining to the agenda, limiting total public comment to 30 minutes, and having to give your true name and address. So they will control the nature of the message, the allowed speaker, and how long they can speak for. YouTube censorship in your local government.

Consequences for violating these rules are also touched on. One council member said this was a good starting point.

As you watch, you can imagine a genuine scenario that an area-citizen would violate these rules for simply addressing their grievances.

Over the course of several months, we have seen citizens from neighboring cities try to warn us of this erosion of rights in public comment. This would now be considered a violation. Citizens uneasy about giving their real name for privacy concerns would now be considered violating these rules.

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