5/9/22 Manic Monday Madness – 2000 Traitors & the Destruction of 2 Party System

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2000 Mules exposed another way the DemoKKKrats & the Deep State installed Joe Biden , against the will of the people.. We have Traitors on both sides, MSM , & Social media complicit in TREASON & SEDITION. The Demokkkrat party is dying , since the Republican party depends on them to exist they will fall as well . The GOP is silent on this FRAUD we all see them for who they are.

1. Pfizer dump: 46,000 people took the vaccine in a trial period....42,000 had adverse affects and 1200 died. FDA rules that one death in 30 days closes the trial down...it didn't...why?

2. Candance Owens pulls up Patrice Cullors to interview her about Black Lives Matter where the money went.

3. Despicable behavior that they're still tryin to hide the truth, when Pfizer has released their data SHOWIN They LIED

4. illegal aliens break out in an argument over if Mexico or Guatemala is a better country leads to stabbing

5. Joe Biden’s Agencies Spike Housing Problems with More Refugees Joe Biden is importing many refugees who are too poor and unskilled to afford decent housing, according to media reports

6. Parents slam Biden Over Baby Formula Shortage

7. Bill Maher and Paul Begala trashed democrats abandoning working class

8. Baby Killing Hoes are insane asking police to shoot her & Mentally ill Black Mammy clowing with baby dolls for Abortion rights

9. Our Presidential Election was stolen by organized crime…2000 Mules. We know it They know it

10. Ballot Trafficking Mules depositing votes in lot boxes with gloves on 3am in morning

11. 100% intentional Gregg Phillips- "To get to some of these drop boxes, you had to be #Intentional. You had to ... turn in somewhere in order to get to those drop boxes.

12. AZ woman just watched '2000 Mules'Now that's the anger I wanted to see for over a year now, now we're getting somewhere

CashAp- $Axetruth

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