Sunday Service, August 29, 2021

3 years ago

Sprague River Valley Christian Fellowship's service for Sunday, August 29th, 2021.

0:00 Worship
10:26 Announcements
17:43 Praise Reports, Prayer Requests
25:12 Worship Continued
30:38 Open Mic for Edification
49:05 Worship Continued
57:14 Sermon & Teaching
1:23:49 Parting Words

*No lyrics were added to the video, due to a shortage of time, nor were there any addresses shown.
**It has been brought to our attention that some people are not interested in watching a full Sunday service, and are more interested in the message. We will be making shorter, condensed videos for the message, in the future, and a separate video for the full worship service, where we can praise the Lord in song.

Email us at, or come and worship with us at 10:30 a.m., Sunday morning.

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