Why did Satan disobey God if God was going to win?

3 years ago

Hello, guys! Today we'll be looking into why Satan bothered to rebel against God. Wouldn't it be pointless challenging such a powerful being?

Well, today, we'll be answering those questions.


If you don't have much time, here's the full answer:

To understand Satan's behavior we have to look at those around us who act like him. It's because there's something inside them that elevate their own personal feelings higher than the consequences of their actions. Satan the devil didn't like God's actions and his authority. He wanted to be independent. He was a child wanting to have his way in defiance of the parents. Satan knew what would happen if you rebel against God and he knew that God would sentence Adam and Eve to death if they listen to his rebellious ideas. (Ge. 3:1-6). But that feeling that drives someone to be a rebel makes them unable to properly comprehend the consequences of their decisions and make wise choices.


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