Report 284 | Dr. Tom Cowan Exposes Virus/Infection Fallacies, Describes True Health

2 years ago

A fascinating and in-depth conversation with MD and holistic practitioner Dr. Tom Cowan on how viruses have never been isolated, infection does not occur by way of germ transmission and travel, and how the body's intelligent healing practices of cleansing in face of toxin attack or chronic toxin burden are miscast as disease, while in reality the body's stores of cellular water work as radios pulling in energetic inputs of every kind from the outside and help radiate health, as well as physiological events like menstruation, or illness. We are energetic beings, is the takeaway, who take in energy and radiate energy all the time—the nature of what we take in and what we radiate defines how sick or well we are.

An added delight to this conversation is Dr. Cowan's candid teardown of Science as unreliable and rife with theories and suppositions, unproved, which the science and medical establishment—from inside the pharmaceutical industry—presents to us as known fact (such as the entire science of Virology which tells us viruses exist, yet cannot present a purified isolate of this yet-imaginary entity for any so-called virally transmitted disease) when in actuality much fraud attends their projected certainties and much-propagandized “consensus” of arbitrary construct.

“Science” as we have it today in fact—what many of us now recognize is politicized science skewed by Big Harma—offers a vision of reality exactly opposite to what we experience viscerally as Being, notes Dr. Cowan, and the received concepts of science which populate Biology textbooks are not in fact concrete realities but confabulations and fabrications which fall apart under close scrutiny.

Especially astonishing is the fact that the minutae of cells which most students of Biology take for granted, such as ribosomes and synapses have not really been proven to exist, he says; what passes for electron micrographs of such turn out to be artifacts of a certain sort to which are being attributed all manner of qualities and labels.

In actuality, much is theory, supposition or superstition; the methodologies of scientists in incising body tissue, macerating it to bits with random chemicals, dyes, preservatives, and then irradiating it with electron beams are not conducive to clear and comprehensive witness under a lens: what is seen does not comport with what is theorized and CGI'd into being on websites and in textbooks.

Synapses have never been seen when nerves are cut open, he says, and what are being called ribosomes in electron micrographs have been posited to be gas bubbles by Harold Hillman, an electron microscopist, which is just one example of how what is being passed off as something is not necessarily that something, nor is there definitive proof of this—all of this going back to the very questionable maceration-methodology of “isolation” --whether virus or ribosome—which scientists practice.

The question of how intelligent scientists and physicians could have fallen for this monumental gaffe in choice of method of isolation continues to be puzzling—but perhaps the answer there lies in the politics of science today, predicated as it is on grant funding and Big Harma profits. Dr. Cowan says many scientists and physicians just do not know what the real facts are because they have not sought to probe the origins and source of methodologies in use today, and have become accustomed to consuming and regurgitating received concepts.

We all need to become more focused on knowing rather than believing he says and the way to do that is by questioning received concepts and exploring such questions on our own—but certainly the entire contribution of doctors such as Dr. Cowan in helping explain to people all of this information guides us in such enterprise, within this entire landscape of trying to figure out what the truth of infection, contagion, epidemic, and pandemic is, and what the truth of true health and healing also is.

Many have been persuaded to accept the propagandized “expertise and authority” of certain scientists like Fauci et al, but we learn now that such authority is really not built on a foundation of provable fact.

The question Do Viruses Exist is a profoundly critical one to answer right today, when large corporations—always focused on private profit--are building plans and agendas around projections of future “pandemics.” When neither is found to exist, will people continue to permit the holding up of this farce of infectious disease and the need to contain it via lockdowns and masks? Not to mention vaccines and digital passports. Raising public awareness of the truths and fallacies of modern science—so people can learn more and act more thoughtfully to safeguard their own health and their children's health on this knowledge-- is the motivation behind this and other conversations in the ongoing Series on Terrain.

Many thanks to Dr. Tom Cowan for this very elucidating and awareness-raising conversation. Please share widely.

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