Robert Frank Returns | Episode #77 | Champ and The Tramp

3 years ago

This week on @champandthetramp we welcome back to the show @Robertfrank615 . The last time Robert was on our show he weighed in around 210 lbs of twisted steel and sex appeal. In March of 2021 Robert’s life changed dramatically. He began feeling stomach pain and expelling blood when he would have a bowl movement . At first, like most tough guys do he ignored it and waited for it to go away but his condition worsened and after roughly three weeks of ignoring his symptoms and expelling literally only large quantities of blood while doing his business Robert finally told his wife what he was experiencing and she rushed him to the hospital. He’s back on the @champandthetramp show today almost 100 lbs lighter to talk about his very severe case of ulcerative colitis and how it almost killed him and his journey back to health. Tune in and check this one out guys. Please remember to hit the subscribe button. It’s free, costs you noting to subscribe but helps out our channel a great deal. Thanks again to our supporters.

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