Lord, Where Is My Blessing? | Ewaenruwa Nomaren

3 years ago

Some Christians are beginning to wonder where God's blessings are; it's as if He's stopped giving them. Some have begun to lose their faith in God, and others are feeling disappointed in their Creator.

In this video, we will address this matter by explaining how we should understand God's blessings, how to "count our blessings", and we will also list some of the most profitable blessings that Christians should seek for, and that God is most willing to give.

0:00 - Introduction
1:39 - How do God's blessings work?
7:51 - Counting Your Blessings
10:34 - What blessings should we seek for?
17:45 - Summary
18:54 - Music
19:50 - Subscribe, and feel free to ask questions!

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Smart Spiritual Solutions: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJDJNlNqhDLe0EQpCf2pE9A

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