Ken O-Keefe Uncensored part 1

2 years ago

This Guy is a Total Bad Ass!
Survivor of Israeli attack on Mavi Marmara (2010)

Ken O’Keefe’s original marine conservation work has been somewhat overshadowed by his non-violent but fully confrontational work for human rights. An ex-US marine and Gulf War Veteran who has formally renounced his US citizenship (2001), O’Keefe’s activities to date include: Founder of Human Shield Action to Iraq (2003) – Served as captain on first Free Gaza Mission (2008) – Survivor of Israeli attack on Mavi Marmara (2010) – Social Enterprise Managing Director of Aloha Palestine CIC and the Samouni Project – Published author and lecturer O’Keefe now holds Irish, Hawaiian and Palestinian citizenship but his ultimate allegiance is to the ‘entire human family’ and ‘Planet Earth’

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