FIRST FC on A3! - Surface - EXPERT (12) - AA#510 (Full Combo) on Dance Dance Revolution A3! (AC, US)

2 years ago


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Dance Dance Revolution A20 PLUS (Arcade)

Round 1/Spo-Cha Cumberland Mall
2860 Cumberland Mall (Suite 1500)
Cumberland, GA, 30339

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THIS is the Main Attraction:
The Release of Dance Dance Revolution A3!

Admittedly, I was very skeptical about the whole announcement...
A New Mix of DDR, after only 2-3 Years of A20 and A20 PLUS?
It just felt... Too Soon.

However, the UI, Gameplay, and Music have been given excellent Touches of Improvement! I really like the Design and Aesthetic that A3 offers, and I'm looking forward to more of the songs that will come out for this mix!

The Best Part? The 'SLOW' and 'FAST' Judgements are now available to ALL DDR PLAYERS WITH AN E-AMUSE PROFILE WITHOUT HAVING TO SIGN UP FOR A PAYMENT PLAN. THANK GOODNESS! I didn't apply it at the time of these recordings due to not being aware of it until AFTER I got Back Home. But shoutouts to SQWERLY!, Shilofax, and the rest of the Alabama Music Gamers Discord for Notifying Me. This will be a VERY Helpful Tool for helping me figure out my timing issues!

My Only Complaint so far was the Sudden Changes to the Judgement and Combo Font later on After SOMEONE was stupid enough to make a 'Font Speedrun' Video mocking the new UI (It's somewhere on YouTube, and I'm not going to bother giving him any more of the spotlight) I actually prefer the original font over the updated one that you will see in future videos down the road. Yes, it doesn't look like they tried much on it, but it's Silly, and I personally didn't mind it. I'm saying this as a Casual DDR Player who's played this since 2007.

For Now, A3 is Limited to the Golden Machines at Select Round 1 Locations across the United States. There's no word yet on when A3 will hit the White Machines, but I pray it will be soon.

But enough Rambling: Our First AA of A3 is none other than Surface by Stessie, and I have to say: This is Personally my Favorite Track that was introduced at the start of A3. Just an Absolutely BANGING tune that doesn't overwhelm or throw it all on you, but rather, feels like a pleasant and relaxing song that keeps you moving!

As for the Expert Chart, it is somewhat underwhelming, but flows with the Song EXTREMELY Well. Nothing about it is extremely difficult, but timing will be tested in some spots. AAA is certainly possible on this, but I'd probably go for a PFC on this at some point. WORTH A PLAY WITHOUT QUESTION!

Plenty of More Content from my time playing A3 to Follow, so Stay Tuned, and Thanks for Watching!

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