2 years ago

Ever since Elon Musk bought Twitter for $44 billion, employees have been constantly worried about losing their jobs. Parag Agrawal, CEO of Twitter, has been bombarded with a variety of questions during the last few weeks, including ones related to layoffs, Twitter's future, and more. In fact, there have been rumors that Musk will fire every board member of Twitter and replace them with new ones.
So, I think we can all agree that it has been a wild month for the social network that we collectively love to hate. Elon Musk took a bite out of Twitter early in April, coming away with 9.2% of the company, and is planning on exercising his influence over Twitter through its board of directors. When Musk backed out of his planned board seat, he began to talk about an even more outrageous plan that he would buy the company outright and take it private. And almost everyone freaked out about this news and had an opinion about it, and some of those opinions cast doubt on the seriousness of the plans of the infamously unserious tech tycoon's grand plans. Musk's $43 billion offer valued Twitter for less than it was trading for a year ago, which begs the question: Is this guy for real?

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