You just HAD to know I'd be sucker for the sailing-ships-in-space in Treasure Planet

3 years ago

(Skip forward to about 4:20 if you don't want to hear me begging for money.)

Naturally, all of the photo/video content of this particular video comes by way of the Mouse, who I would never, ever, ever even whisper a negative thing about.


And, no, we don't talk about the tech that much, because, really, what tech? Just bask in the glory of sailing ships in space.

That Patreon stuff is here: Pay, don't, whatever floats your boat. We're not doing anything special for patrons yet, but maybe that'll come down the pike in the future. Who knows? About all we can do at the moment is "early access to the videos", which can range from... well, this one got posted on Thursday, and I've frequently done them Sunday morning, so... Either way, I'll keep making these. Or not. But payment isn't required for that, and doesn't guarantee that.

So, with those MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF MOTIVATION compelling you... yeah.

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