The Sarah Branham Investigation Part 7: The "Message" In Germany

2 years ago

This episode focuses upon an unusual section of Sarah Branham's letter, "Take It With You". While writing the letter, Sarah paused the flow of thought to inject a very unusual section about "Brother Frank" from Germany. According to Sarah, she had private conversations with this "Brother Frank", and explicitly mentioned two money trails back into the United States. She said that "Brother Frank" was "so generously" giving money to both "the family" and "the mission purposes". Then she proceeded to describe the luxurious lifestyles of "Message" cult leaders in the United States.

Who was this "Brother Frank"? Why did Sarah interrupt her flow of thought to mention this?

Names and Topics Mentioned in this Video:

Take It With You - Sarah Branham's letter addressed "To the Bride of Christ"
Ewald Frank
Colonia Dignidad
Jim Jones
Peoples Temple
Josef Mengele
Paul Shafer
Adolf Hitler
Roy E. Davis
John F. Kennedy
Original Knights of the Ku Klux Klan
The Kennedy Assassination

Sarah Branham's Letter:

Sarah Branham Investigation:

Part 7:

Colonia Dignidad:

Ewald Frank:

Paul Shafer:

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