AnTix Inside - Idiot Outside

2 years ago

#MXLinux #EnglishBob #AnTix
Can you help an idiot figure out what am I doing wrong and where is my default Flat theme AnTix HUH?

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PC Sponsored By : Andrew Garner .....Matthew Martin.....Lamer Linux.....Dragonwolf Wordsmithing.....Johan Bruijns.....Vincent Wong.....Annika Myrbring.....Mikael Olenius.....Heather Brown.....Terry Love.....Garth.....Zebedee Boss.....Dave Bell.....Don, : My Sincere Thanks To You All.

nVidia GTX1050Ti 4Gb Donated by Don : What a gent thanks my friend.
ASRock MoBo, nVidia GTX1060 & Ryzen 5 1600AF gifted by Dave Bell Thank you so much Dave.

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