Bristol Beaufighter MKIC vs. Bf-110 E-1 | 1V1 Gunfight | Battle of Britain | IL-2 1946 |

2 years ago

This is some prerecorded footage but I got super in-depth with this video, I was very intentional with my actions and was hyper focused on winning. I am working with a new video editing software so bare with me but it has been quite a good experience all around and provides more than the one I first started with.


YouTube Video:


Five Rounds Only

If a Winner Cannot Be Decided Within Those Five Rounds it Becomes a Draw Overall
Ex: Player (Two Points) Enemy (Two Points) Round Five Decides (Both Mid-Air) (Both Die) Both Receive a Point For Taking Out The Other Now Player (Three Points) Enemy (Three Points) Therefore a Draw is Decided
There Are No Round Sixes or Sudden Deaths

The First Plane or Pilot (Either Enemy or Player) to Three successful Engagements Wins (Games Can End in A Draw)
Ex: Player (One Point) Enemy (Two Points) (Both Die) Both Receive One Point For Taking Out The Other (But Since Both Receive Points This Disincentives Collisions) Player Now (Two Points) Enemy Now (Three Points) The Enemy Is Now The Winner If (Both Die)
However: If Player (Bails Out) Enemy (Does Not and Dies) Player Wins Now Player (Two Points) Enemy (Two Points) Game Point

Player to Win Has to Be In The Air And Confirm The Demise of the Enemy

Even if The Player Wins Engagement and Either Dies or Crashes or Force Lands it Becomes a Draw

Games Can Be Completed as Early as Round Three

Win or Loss Conditions:
Both Kill Each Other - Draw
Player (Kills) Enemy - Win
Player (Dies to) Enemy - Loss

Mid Air Collisions:
Both Hit and Die - Draw
Both Hit and Both Bail Out - Draw
Both Hit and Player (Bails Out) Enemy (Crashes and Dies) - Win
Both Hit and Player (Crashes and Dies) Enemy (Bails Out) - Loss

Forced Landings:
Both Land - Draw
Player (Force Lands) Enemy (Stays in Air) - Loss
Player (Stays in Air) Enemy (Force Lands) - Win

Bail Outs:
Both Bail Out - Draw
Player (Bails Out) Enemy (Stays in Air) - Loss
Player (Stays in Air) Enemy (Bails Out) - Win

General Crashes:
Both Crash For What Ever Reason During Combat - Draw
Player (Crashes During Combat) Enemy (Stays in Air) - Loss
Player (Stays in Air) Enemy (Crashes During Combat) - Win

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