Why "Following The Science" Can Be Dangerous.

3 years ago


At the end of the video, I said "I don't believe in science." I meant that in the context of my previous statements. I do not believe in using "science" as a means of ethical or moral understanding, which is how it is used by proponents of certain policies. Science is a tool; it is a very valuable tool that has cultivated human understanding over the history of civilization. But it has no inherent moral or ethical authority and is not meant to answer moral or ethical questions. Science only helps us understand the world in which moral and ethical dilemmas and decision-making take place. Nothing more, nothing less. I practically "believe in science," insofar as I support empiricism and the scientific method. But I do not believe in science as a basis for moral beliefs.

Stay pensive all (:


Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, two phrases have become synonymous with the medical intelligentsia's message: "Believe in Science" or, more commonly, "Follow the science." Indeed, Joe Biden himself said his administration would "follow the science" when it came to COVID-19 and related issues. Many individuals use the term to shield their agendas behind a cloak of inviolability. Mr. Watson critiques the religion of scientism and suggests that science should only be regarded in its proper role, and he clearly argues for what that role is in reality.

#politics #joebiden #science #followthescience #believeinscience #philosophy #americanpolitics #conservatism #libertarianism #news #covid

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