Zeee Media Election Week - Colin Grigg - Senate Candidate - One Nation - NSW

2 years ago

Colin has always been someone who will not walk away from a challenge! In recent years he has become more and more concerned about the direction that Australia is going with the strong and deceptive political influence of the Left and Left-wing Policies.

Colin is very much a family man. He is married with four children and has eight grandchildren. He has served the community for many years as a pastor, feeding the hungry and providing clothing and furniture to those in need. He has an innate desire to maintain the freedoms that we have and to preserve and protect the Constitution and the rights of the people that we have enjoyed in Australia over many generations.

He says, "We were born in freedom, and we have a right to stay free as is clearly documented in our Australian Constitution. We need to put government back squarely into the hands of the people, as it was originally meant to be. Politicians are supposed to be representatives of the people and government should be as it was always meant to be—of the people, by the people, for the people".


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