3 years ago

In order to reach peace in the middle east, we must dig deeper to see what the root of why the conflict really exists. The truth is, this has NOTHING to do with Israeli’s and Palestinians. That is a distraction to keep us divided and weak. Dig deeper, follow the money, and you will quickly and clearly see that the individuals behind all of this are those who are funding it. Think back to the BLM protests. We were so focused on those throwing the bricks at storefronts that we forgot to ask… WHO IS SUPPLYING THE BRICKS?!?!

Isn’t it ironic that the same individuals fund both Israel AND the surrounding Arab countries knowing that the leaders of those Arab countries funnel that money to Hamas, and other terrorist organizations who send rockets over to Israel? Open your eyes people! This is “DIVIDE & CONQUER” at its finest! We are being played by those who have vested financial interests in war and chaos. The moment we accept this truth is the moment we will come together and UNITE.

The moment we all decide to stop listening to our “leaders” and start listening to our hearts, the world will know PEACE! It is possible, and we will reach this point. The question is, how many of us need to get hurt before we embrace this truth?

I stand for Unity.

Divided we fall…

With Infinite Love,
Jason Shurka

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