Abortion Activist Go Berserk When Confronted With Images Of Babies They Want To Kill

2 years ago

It is just plain evil to murder a child. Whether a child is born or unborn, it is still a growing child. Only God can give life and only God should take life. It is not for us to decide who lives or dies. The truth is that we are an utterly irresponsible nation which refuses to exercise personal discipline and responsibility. 98% of all unwanted pregnancies are the result of sexual promiscuity without any regards for the consequences of such irresponsible actions. The government is indirectly to blame for this evil in America. The direct responsibility for this evil rests upon the head of each and every mother who CHOOSES for her child to be murdered. Yes, it is pro-choice, and it is cold-blooded murder. Every doctor, every nurse, every judge, every politician, every law enforcement official, and every company involved with abortion will stand guilty before God as an accomplice to first degree murder!

Abortion is all about population control. Statistically, it is poor women who have the most abortions (specifically black women). You can visit www.blackgenocide.org for more information). Women in China weren't as willing to murder their babies so the Chinese government did it for them. The founder of Planned Parenthood (Murderhood) was Margaret Sanger. She had a goal to genocide the negro population. She was a mass murderer. You'll never hear this on the liberal-controlled media, but check into it yourself. She hated black people. Now her followers want your baby dead too. Ladies, if you don't want to have a baby...DON'T.

I am so sick and tired of society and the government trying to help irresponsible people stay irresponsible. Listen folks, without Christ anyone can become a monster. Society is filled with monsters, like the murderous abortion crowd. It is an industry of death, selling the aborted body parts from once healthy little babies. Yes, they are selling the body parts.

If someone claims to be a Christian and has an abortion, it is a sure indication that they are very, very far away from the Lord (or they're no Christian at all). I agree that it is a horrible thing to bring an unwanted child into this world, but EVERYONE has a right to be born!!! It is not the mother's decision whether or not her child should live, she is NOT God. The bottom line is that those little children have RIGHTS too! I've heard numerous court cases where someone was charged with murder for killing an unborn child. One woman in particular comes to mind. She had a serious drug-addiction problem. She took enough illegal drugs while pregnant that her baby died. The court system found her guilty and the judge sentenced her to life in prison for 1st degree murder.

Prosecutors in the Scott Peterson trial are charging him with TWO alleged murders. Isn't that hypocrisy within our legal system? It sure is hypocrisy! Why is it that a doctor can legally murder a child, but no one else can? It is insanity to say the least! Doctors are not gods, but many think they are. As long as they have the power of the government backing them, they will continue to murder little children for filthy lucre's sake. Oh the evil, oh the wickedness. Great are the sins of the American people!

Even worse, the evil doers mock God by selling shirts that brag about it. It is no different than if you went around town with a shirt that read "I killed Jews in the Holocaust." You would be arrested! I pray that God would bring swift judgment upon the evildoers in America and spare the righteous for the sake of our children. Great are the sins of the American people and it's silent churches! END

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