Aidan Monaghan: Were the Planes Remotely Guided on 9/11?

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Aidan Monaghan–Electrical Engineer tracks down the answers to questions that most of us wouldn’t even think to ask:
What were the capabilities of the GPS guided autopilot flight control systems on boeing 757/767’s navigation prior to 9/11? How about its performance on 9/11?
What was the capability to remotely deliver flight plan waypoints to aircraft flight management systems before 9/11? And what was the history of remote “backdoor” accessibility to Boeing flight control computers?
What was the significance of 9/11 flight transponder activity of the highjacked aircraft on 9/11?
What is the significance of United Airline flight175’s observed and measured performance prior to impacting WTC 2?
What is the significance of the extreme and low-visibility weather the day before 9/11 on the alleged hijacker’s hoped-for outcome?
Is the publicly released American Airlines #77 Flight Data Recorder an accurate record of the flight that hit the Pentagon?
What was the flying capability of the alleged hijackers? Could they have flown the profiles on 9/11?
Aidan Monaghan is a tireless 9/11 researcher of almost 2 decades. He has a degree in Electrical Engineersing and had a career in “Electrostatics”! He’s been conducting data collection from the government via the Freedom of Information Act requests that have yielded the 9/11 Truth Community a treasure trove of valuable data proving the official narrative of 9/11 can’t possibly be true.

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