Become a Tayyab energy field | Sheikh Mohammad Foulds | Hijra to nature | See with the heart #Q&A

3 years ago

- Muhammed Foulds -

Previously christian minister reverted to Islam 2000 while researching wildlife for the Saudi wildlife dpt in SW Arabia.
Graduated as a Raptor Biologist University of Wales
Human Ecologist University of Derby
Professional falconer over twenty years
And Director of Lincolnshire Wildlife Park
Head of Conservation and Education at a number of zoos and parks in UK.

Trained as a professional safari guide and Tracker in South Africa
MPhil research into Eurasian Griffon Vulture in Arabia
Studied Aalim course dar ul loom Azaadville SA
BA ( Hons) Islamic Sciences London Muslim College
Advanced Arabic / Quranic Studies three years Gloucester Islamic Academy.
Current Post is
Head Imam and Principle of Religious Affairs UK Prison Service

Reject Satanic hasty thinking
Have a bigger picture
Depth of perception

A recap of the first course of off-grid living with #SheikhMuhammadFoulds as he continues to give an introduction about off-grid living and elaborates on how modern-day human beings suffer from a disconnect with nature. And how ultimately our main objective as Muslims is to reconnect with nature and live a natural way of life. In order to best practice our faith, and live on the truth.

Mohammed Sadey Salmi:
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Abdullah Nurajdin Robera Siraj:
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Shabir Hussain:
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Mike Albanna:
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Wasim Bhatti
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