'Happy' Fucking Birthday from 58 years old Kim Osbøl! [06.05.2022]

2 years ago

Note: In connection with my trial number 5, which is in full progress right now, I still have to say: The Sick Psychopathic Controlled Opposition Satanist and their Psychopathic Sick sexually derailed fucking out to the right and left all they can, LGBTQIA+ supporting Pedophilia, Hash and Cannabis smoking daily, drinking Beer and alcohol, and they don't even hide it, they brags about it completely open 'The 'New Normal', These People 'Follow' the 'guidelines' and the 'Agenda' from these Satanist, they do as they told to do, speaking their 'Politically correct' cute empathetic, welcoming, friendly, false, manipulative, ambiguous Doublespeak, NewSpeak and New Public Management Speak are everywhere...

What I do when, what I have done almost all my life when I have to make decisions in my life, is that reflect over what happend, I listen to my intuition, my sixth sense, my bulshit detector, my gut feeling and then I make my decision what to do and act.

It also means that I follow my own instinct and thereby my true authentic self, I am 100% myself, I do what I feel and think and therefore always have pure conscience with what I do, and therefore I can look every person in the eyes and say what I mean... And I am not perfect.

"The easiest way to love yourself and feel good about yourself, is just to be yourself."
This is very difficult for many people as it is much more important for them what others people think and fell about them, they can therefor NOT be them self 100%.

One of many videos about this topic:
DOSED - Life is full of choices 'Documentary' (20.03.2019)
"The easiest way to love yourself, is just to be yourself."

Links for Fucking verification and research - WAKE THE FUCK UP!
Problem-Reaction-Solution: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=problem+reaction+solution&t=h_&ia=web
Predictive Programming (MKultra) https://duckduckgo.com/?q=predictive+programming+mkultra&t=hx&va=g&ia=web
Social Engineering https://duckduckgo.com/?q=social+engineering&t=hx&va=g&ia=web
Mass Psychosis: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Mass+Psychosis&t=h_&ia=web
Cognitive Dissonance: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=cognitive+dissonance&t=h_&ia=web
What is Doublespeak NPM- and NewSpeak?: Professor William Lutz C-SPAN Interview [1989]:
Controlled Opposition: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=controlled+opposition&t=h_&ia=web
Psyop: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=psyop+definition&t=h_&ia=definition
Pharmacia (Sorcery disguised as Medicine): https://duckduckgo.com/?q=pharmacia&t=h_&ia=web
Satanic Witchcraft Spells Sorcery: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=witchcraft&t=h_&ia=web

Cat Ballou (1965) Happy Birthday Song

04/1/2019 Syg på kontanthjælp - forbryder eller frihedskæmper?
Sick on cash assistance - criminal or freedom fighter?

My little Sister Now Dead + 'Situation' Update Denmark 'CV-19 Passport' in 5 min [12.11.2021]

After 24 years - Goodbye Father [04.08.2020]

Tuesday D 21 Nov 2017. #KV2017
It's about legal rights. It's about freedom. The price of freedom is high!
Are you willing to pay this price? Remember the freedom fighters during World War II.

The Sinfulness of Sin | The UN Lucis Trust | Agenda 21 NWO Illuminati Predictive Programming

Paul Harvey, 1965: “If I Were the Devil”
This speech was broadcast by legendary ABC Radio commentator Paul Harvey on April 3, 1965

Music: The Savage Rose Dødens Triumf 1972

Thinks are 'connected' and There is NO such thing as a 'Coincidence'!

All Truth passes through three stages before it is recognized:

1. First, it is ridiculed.
2. Then it is violently opposed.
3. Then it is accepted as being self-evident.”
- Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher

'Those That Fail to Learn From History, Are Doomed to Repeat it' - George Satayana

'I can't teach anybody anything, I can only try to make them Think!' - Socrates

"Signs and Symbols Rule The World, Not Words nor Laws." - Confucius

“When the human race learns to read the language of symbolism, a great veil will fall from the eyes of men. They shall then know truth and, more than that, they shall realize that from the beginning truth has been in the world unrecognized, save by a small but gradually increasing number appointed by the Lords of the Dawn as ministers to the needs of human creatures struggling co regain their consciousness of divinity.”
- Manly P. Hall (1901-1990) 'The Secret Teachings of All Ages'

And the light of a lamp will not shine in you (the great city Babylon) any longer; and the voice of the bridegroom and bride will not be heard in you any longer; for your merchants were the great men of the earth, because all the nations (ethnos) were deceived by your sorcery (pharmakeia).
- Revelation 18:23

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