Presidentiable Sen Manny Pacquiao Responds to CDC Ph's Letter of Declaration (see Description Box)

2 years ago

A few days ago, the Concerned Doctors and Citizens of the Philippines sent the letter below to the Presidentiables in the 2022 elections. This is the letter that Sen Manny was responding to in the video above:

CDC Ph President’s Declaration Letter
I, (name of Presidential candidate), in the presence of my countrymen and by the grace of the Almighty God, do solemnly swear and proclaim the following declarations and commitments to the Filipino People.
If I am elected the 17th President of the Republic of the Philippines, I hereby undertake that, for the entire duration of my term as President, I shall:
- lift all lockdowns and unlawful quarantine restrictions of the healthy as well as all other arbitrary mandates and illegal restrictions which blatantly violate our God-given Constitutional rights and liberties as a free Filipino People
- refuse to support and will, in fact, veto any and all legislation by Congress that will make inoculation of the experimental COVID-19 as well as any other vaccines mandatory in violation of the Constitutional Rights of all Filipinos
- create a government-sponsored platform for the vaccine-injured so that their voices may be heard by the whole nation; to investigate their cases and enforce and ensure the compensation mandated that was provided under Section 10 (National Vaccine Indemnity Fund) of Republic Act 11525
- refuse to accede to or sign the WHO Pandemic Treaty that undermines Philippine National Sovereignty and our Constitution. The Filipino nation is a sovereign people whose health concerns and choices must be decided upon only by the Filipino people within their own national context, never by any foreign bodies or interests.

On this day, May ____ 2022, this declaration was authorized and signed in ________ City, ___________, Philippines, by:

Presidential Candidate

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