Tucker Carlson Tonight 6 May 2022

2 years ago

Tucker's monologues of late have been epic. Truly epic. First, he has identified the democratic party as the Passive Aggressive Party and that label fits so well, they will now be referred to a the PAP here. The sarcasm was amazing on today's show and how the PAP get any votes from the non-coastal elites is stupefying. Buck Sexton joins Tucker to discuss.
Truckers are being driven off the road by Diesel prices, leading to shortages in everything. Remember the transitory inflation the IIC spoke about 6 months ago. Now the useful idiots in the magpie, marxist media (MMM) say a recession if inevitable and the only question is how big it will be and how long it will last. I can answer the last one: Election day 2022. Charlie Gasparino joins Tucker to explain.
Ellie Puentes, former student at Union College, was expelled for not getting the Covid Booster. She was hospitalized after the second shot and had a doctor's recommendation to not get the booster but that was irrelevant. My body my choice? Latina? PAP in action.
FDA limits J&J Vaccine. Pfizer data shows tens of thousands of adverse reactions. Dr. Aaron Kheriaty of the Unity Project, they are the organization that pushed the FOIA request to get the Pfizer data, joins Tucker to discuss the data and what it appears to show.
FBI is targeting employees who didn't riot on 6 January. Kevin Corke explains the story.
If you aren't a woman, then you don't get a voice about the Abortion issue. But wait, I was told men can get pregnant. What gives? Chadwick Moore from the Spectator USA joins Tucker to breakdown the MMM Newspeak for us. It is double good.

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