I will create google display ads, dynamic remarketing ads, YouTube Video Ads campaigns

2 years ago

Don't spend all your budget on only Search Ads! Use both Adwords Search Ads and Display Ads.

Why create your Display Banner Ads?
Display Remarketing is more affordable than Google Search Ads because it only shows your ads to the people who already visited your website. The people already visited your website is more likely to buy from you.

Why create your Remarketing (Adwords Retargeting) Ads?
98% of customers might be leaving your website without making purchases. It's always effective to identify such customers and Remarketing the ones that had failed to convert the first time around.

I will create a profitable campaign for you by following the 8 steps below👇
1️⃣Infrastructure Setup:
Google Ads, GTM & GA4 Account Creation
Conversion tracking setup
Remarketing tag setup with creating Audience
2️⃣Analysis of your Landing page with competitors website
3️⃣Keywords Research, Budgeting, Ad Copy
4️⃣Running Campaign
5️⃣Campaign Optimization
6️⃣Creating Remarketing Campaign (Display, Discovery, YouTube Ads)
7️⃣Analyzing with Optimization and Reporting

🔔You will get relevant traffic but I Can't Give a Sale Guarantee
Thanks for visiting

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