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There's not a bigger satanic fraud than Louis Farrakhan.
There's not a bigger satanic fraud than Louis Farrakhan, the so-called “reverend.” Farrakhan is a classic example of a Modernist (an unsaved person who masquerades as a Christian). What a deceiver of the African-American people!!! My heart sincerely goes out to all the tens-of-millions of people who have been led away from the truth of God's Word by this demonic imposter. Farrakhan is a fool of fools who follow him!
This racist pile of crap needs to shut the hell up. What in the hell does he know about AMERICAN PATRIOTISM? The dude HATES America. He HATES WHITE PEOPLE! He is a useless, racist insignificant BLACK POWER
There's not a bigger satanic fraud than Louis Farrakhan, the so-called “reverend.” Farrakhan is a classic example of a Modernist (an unsaved person who masquerades as a Christian). What a deceiver of the African-American people!!! My heart sincerely goes out to all the tens-of-millions of people who have been led away from the truth of God's Word by this demonic imposter. Farrakhan is a fool of fools who follow him!
Louis Farrakhan is a Black Muslim, an offshoot of orthodox Islam (although strict Muslims would be embarrassed to be associated with Farrakhan's group). The Black Muslim religion is bizarre (a track I wrote years ago). Black Muslims claim that white men are blue-eyed devils created in a laboratory. This is why you'll have difficulty finding what Farrakhan believes.
In recent decades, Farrakhan has joined the New World Order's Ecumenical Movement and exploits Christianity and Islam alike; exclaiming religious mumbo-jumbo and heresy with the fervor and zeal of a country preacher. Sadly, tens-of-millions of blacks worldwide idolize Farrakhan for his antics, manipulative speeches, outcry against social injustices against the blacks, and mainly for the color of his skin.
Farrakhan Speaks On Religion, but he never gets to the point in this video sermon. Farrakhan makes a bunch of great-sounding statements—denouncing religious hypocrisy and the dangers of evil men in power using religion to deceive the masses. I'd say, “Bravo!” except for the fact that Farrakhan is a big religious deceiver himself and a dangerous false prophet! Farrakhan never does tell us what religion is; he just spews out statement-after-statement of what religion is not. Farrakhan doesn't know his right-hand from his left spiritually. Farrakhan's walking in total darkness, quoting a bunch of Scriptures spoken by a Savior that he doesn't even trust in.
At the 37th Pastoral Anniversary of Rev. Henry Hardy at The Cosmopolitan Community Church in Chicago, Illinois on November 21, 2004 Louis Farrakhan preached a sermon titled, THE FABRIC OF FAITH (part 3 of 3). Here's an MP3 of part 3 of 3 to download and warn others. In the speech Farrakhan makes some disturbing statements, plainly revealing that he is two-fold a servant of Satan and all that is unholy and evil.
Farrakhan foolishly states in the sermon...
“Let this be a community of faith. Now I'm talking both to the Muslims and Christians, because I hate the differences. I hate the divisions, and the stupidity of religious bigotry and hatred when you have people of God.”
SOURCE: THE FABRIC OF FAITH, by Louis Farrakhan, Part 3 Of 3
Faith in which God? Do you see his deception? Farrakhan subtly attempts to unite Muslims and Christians as one faith. According to Farrakhan, it is “stupidity of religious bigotry and hatred” to elevate Christianity and reject Islam; but that is the truth my friend. You can try to unite the 2+2=4 crowd with the 2+2=5 crowd; but 2+2=4 and there's nothing you can do about it. Truth is absolute, making it intolerant of falsehoods.
Notice how Farrakhan deceitfully refers to all religious people as the “people of God.” My friend, you have to choose a side! You cannot follow Islam and Christianity! There is NO middle ground nor compromise. Listen to how deceptive Farrakhan is...
“Now some of you may not have wanted to hear me this morning, thinking that 'Well he don't believe in Jesus'; but Jesus says, 'I have other sheep that are not of this fold.' I'm one of those sheep.”
SOURCE: THE FABRIC OF FAITH, by Louis Farrakhan, Part 3 Of 3
Farrakhan corrupts the Scriptures, teaching that the “other fold” which Jesus' spoke of includes Christ-rejecters!!! Carefully notice what Farrakhan ignores in John 10:16...
John 10:16, “And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.”
They shall hear the Lord's Voice. Jesus' sheep, regardless of the fold they're in—all know, hear and respond to the Master's Voice (Words). Farrakhan doesn't hear the Words of God; he rejects them. Throughout his pathetic sermonette, Farrakhan quotes the Scriptures; yet ironically he totally and willfully rejects Jesus as the Messiah and doesn't trust Him at all. Farrakhan is NOT one Christ's sheep; but rather, is a wolf in sheep's clothing seeking to hurt the true sheep.
The infamous television actor and bar bouncer, “Mr. T” (real name: Laurence Tureaud), brags that he is a long-time member of the The Cosmopolitan Community Church in Chicago (Pastor Henry Hardy). Mr. T is supposedly a born-again Christian and has said some noteworthy things concerning faith and Christian character; yet, I seriously question his testimony since he is a member of a so-called Christ that invites and honors a wicked man and false prophet of Satan like Louis Farrakhan. As you listen to THE FABRIC OF FAITH, please keep in mind that Louis Farrakhan totally rejects the Bible's proclamation that Jesus is the Christ, even denying that Jesus died on a cross. Listen to the idiots in the background hollering “hallelujah amen and come on preacher!”
Notice very carefully at the end of the sermon that Farrakhan, who quoted all the preceding Scriptures word-for-word correct, now says “You can do all things through Christ that strengtheneth you.” Did you see that? In sharp contrast the Bible says in Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Instead of “I” and “me,” Farrakhan uses “You” and “you.” Notice that he says, “That's your God.” The reason why is because he denies Christ and; therefore, would be called-out and reprimanded by true Christians if he did so. If you're not a Christian, then you have no right to claim the promises of God!
Louis Farrakhan will split Hell wide open the moment he breathes his last breath, and his heart beats its last beat, and his souls falls into the hands of God (Hebrews 10:31). 2nd Thessalonians 1:8-9, “In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power.” Farrakhan has not obeyed the Gospel; therefore, he is still hellbound in his sins under the curse of God's law.
Allah means “god,” but he is not the God of the Bible. The Bible proclaims that God the Father has a Son, and His name is Jesus, the Christ. In Islam and the Black Muslim religion, Allah has no son at all. They teach that Jesus didn't die on a cross; but rather, another man did. Whereas in Biblical Christianity, salvation is based upon the love, grace and promises of God; in Islam salvation is based upon self-righteousness, performance and the whim of Allah if he thinks you worthy. In Christianity, God wanted us to be able to claim His PROMISE of salvation to those who believe the Gospel, so we could have assurance and peace that we are going to Heaven forever. In Islam you do your best, have no assurance and hope you make it.
2nd Corinthians 6:14-17 in the Bible asks what fellowship does light have with darkness? What communion has Christ with Belial? 2nd Corinthians 6:14-15, “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?” Shame on this so-called church in Chicago that honors a piece of trash like Farrakhan. The Bible calls Farrakhan and his followers “LIARS” and “ANTICHRISTS” in 1st John 2:22, “Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.”
It's actually quite shocking and makes God want to vomit. Farrakhan openly denies Jesus as the only begotten Son of God. Farrakhan denies and rejects Jesus as the Christ. Yet he dishonestly and deceitfully gets up publickly and teaches in Jesus' name, using Jesus' Words and false leading people to think that he is a Christian. In the March 6, 2011 edition of the Washington Examiner, Gregory Kane authored an article titled, “Is Louis Farrakhan A Closet Christian?” Many people (including Gregory Kane) want to believe that Farrakhan is a Christian; BUT HE'S NOT!!! Farrakhan is an unbeliever who vehemently rejects our Lord Jesus Christ!!! Yet because he is black and speaks for blacks, they totally disregard the fact that he is a Christ-rejecting wicked man. They don't care. Their agenda is more important than their walk with God. It's sickening! In the old days they would have run him out of town for being a fraud!
God hates fakes and phonies. God wants us hot or cold, on or off, in or out (Revelation 3:15-16). Farrakhan admits publicly that he doesn't believes in Jesus; yet he extensively quotes Scripture-after-Scripture. This just proves that you can't trust anybody who teaches and preaches until you know more about their beliefs. Farrakhan sounds like a faithful preacher at first, but then you find out that he doesn't even believe Jesus died on the cross; nor does he believe that Jesus was resurrected three days later.
So why would Farrakhan constantly quote a Bible that he doesn't accept nor obey? It's because he's a deceiver, changing colors like a Chameleon lizard to match his surroundings. When he's speaking to Muslims he's a Muslim; but when he speaks to Christians he quotes the Bible repeatedly. What a deceiver!!! It just goes to show that anyone can deceive anyone. Remember, it was Satan who quoted the Bible to Jesus in Matthew 4:1-10 during Christ's time of temptation.
Farrakhan preaches a bunch of doctrinal snippets from the Bible, but he totally rejects the Doctrine Of Christ. Farrakhan denies the Virgin Birth of Jesus, His deity, death on a cross, bodily resurrection, blood sacrifice, sinless life, and so forth. Martin Luther King Jr. Also Denied Christ's Deity, Virgin Birth and Resurrection.
Farrakhan evidently knows in his heart that he has no business being behind the pulpit of a New Testament church because early in the sermon he states...
“If you can listen to me and go away unmoved, to make a change in your life, then you can say well truly 'he shouldn't have been here.”
SOURCE: THE FABRIC OF FAITH, by Louis Farrakhan, Part 3 Of 3
As you read earlier from the Scriptures in 2nd Corinthians 6:14-17, no Christ-rejecting Muslim preacher belongs behind the pulpit of a professed Christian church. It is a shame (and a sin) that apostate African-American preachers are willing to disobey the Bible and unite with other unbelieving preachers simply because they're black and share an agenda. The agenda of Civil Rights has been used as a weapon by Satan against the Church. Martin Luther King Jr. was a wicked and unsaved man who openly denied Christ's virgin birth, deity and bodily resurrection.
King was a Communist. King was promoted by Communists as a “reverend,” but he was a devil (just as Jesus said Judas was a devil in John 6:70). King did an interview with Playboy magazine in 1965. The Beatles and Al Capone were also interviewed by Playboy the same year. Beware of Martin Luther King Jr.'s Social Gospel that leads to Hell. I hope you're getting the message of this article. Louis Farrakhan gets up and preaches like a Gospel preacher; yet he openly rejects the Son of God, rejects the Gospel and tramples underfoot the blood of Jesus Christ as an unholy thing (Hebrews 10:29).
In the middle of the sermon Farrakhan blasphemes Christ by misapplying 1st John 4:4, “...greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” Farrakhan claims that people should listen to his message because he has overcome his enemies, thus proving 'greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world.' The problem is that “he” in 1st John 4:4 refers to the Holy Spirit Who indwells every born-again child of God (Romans 8:9), and Farrakhan doesn't have that Spirit. No Christ-rejecter has the Holy Spirit indwelling them. Farrakhan has a devil in him—a familiar spirit of Satan.
Farrakhan exploits Christianity for his own personal gain as do so many opportunists in theses Last Days. Farrakhan has gone to great lengths to memorize and manipulate the Bible, because he wants to gather support for his cause wherever he can find it. Politicians do it all the time. They talk hillbilly when in Kentucky. They dye their hair gray when speaking to an older audience. They wear blue-jeans when speaking to a younger audience. They talk about working hard and patriotism in heartland America. And they bend over for Wall Street bankers. They're scum, selling out to the next opportunity with no regard for God nor man. I wouldn't give you a dime for a religiios pimp like Farrakhan who gets up and speaks like a Christian in churches, when he doesn't even believe that Christ was crucified for the world's sins.
Farrakhan preaches and teaches the congregation of The Cosmopolitan Community Church in Chicago about “THE FABRIC OF FAITH.” Yet, Farrakhan has NO faith in Jesus Christ. Farrakhan mentions the Gospel that he doesn't believe, just to satisfy the crowd. The show is on! That's all it is—a big Show! It's creepy. Louis Farrakhan actually quotes Jesus' Words to the disciples, “Oh ye of little faith.” FARRAKHAN HAS NO FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST!!! Who is he to teach about faith? What does Farrakhan know about faith? ... he has NONE!!! It's a frightening joke! He preaches just like a Bible-believing preacher when he wants to; yet he DOESN'T believe a word of it. He talks about obedience to God; but he hasn't even obeyed the Gospel. He speaks of the helmet of salvation; yet he is not saved at all.
This is all in Farrakhan's sermon, THE FABRIC OF FAITH (part 3 of 3). Heresy, heresy and more heresy!!!
Farrakhan says he hates the differences between Islam and Christianity and all the church members start to clap. That's what really bothers me. What does their pastor teach them? Rev. Henry Hardy (as he is called) must be a real loser to invite and honor a heretic like Louis Farrakhan. No pastor should ever allow an unsaved heathen to instruct his people in the ways of the Lord. What kind of message does it send your people when you allow an unsaved Muslim to preach Christ to them? It's insane.
Farrakhan mentions that he is speaking to BOTH Muslims and Christians and despises the divisions between them. Well, there is a night and day division and we must therefore make a choice. Farrakhan attempts to drive in the centerlane, but that's how accidents happen on the highway. The Devil wants everyone to join the Ecumenical Movement and drive in the centerlane of religious tolerance and apostasy; but Biblical Christianity is in the right lane my friend. Islam is in the left (wrong) lane.
Kindly, all those idiots at The Cosmopolitan Community Church in Chicago are clapping and cheering for a wicked imposter who spits on the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Throw that buzzard out and tell him not to come back. I'm tired of blacks rallying around the most vile of men simply because they support the black agenda in America. Well God doesn't support it! Civil Rights was never about equality of the races; but rather, a subtle means of Communist subversion aimed at corrupting women with feminist rights, establishing population control via abortion rights and eventually leading to the destruction of America via same-sex rights.
After Martin Luther King Jr.'s untimely death, his widow Coretta King spent the rest of her life advocating homosexual rights. Is this the reverend's wife? What hypocrites! Blacks nationwide cheered and supported her cause. Sadly, most African-Americans have been deceitfully taught that they should support Gay-rights because it's the same battle as racial Civil Rights (but it's like comparing apples with toasters). NO ONE HAS A RIGHT TO BE IMMORAL AND DO WRONG! Liberty gives us the freedom do BE wrong, not to DO wrong! Gay rights, same-sex rights, abortion rights, divorce right and feminist rights are all as wicked as the Devil. Civil rights is entirely a different matter.
If you are an African-American or black person outside the U.S., I love you in the Lord whoever you may be and don't want you to be deceived anymore be Louis Farrakhan (a liar and child of the Devil). Farrakhan chooses to straddle-the-fence in his religious views as do other followers of the New World Order. Farrakhan has said some good things. I agree with him on many issues, such as the evils of Freemasonry, Judaism and the Federal Reserve. I agree with Farrakhan's remarks about Judaism being a “gutter religion.” Judaism openly rejects Jesus as the Christ, as does Islam.
I believe that Louis Farrakhan is a sincere and passionate man, full of zeal and hatred for oppression and corruption, especially for the persecution of blacks for centuries past; but it is also clear that Farrakhan doesn't know the Lord Jesus Christ, nor does he want to believe the Gospel to get saved. Islam (like Judaism) is a road to Hell. Farrakhan supported Barack Obama's run for U.S. President in 2008, but after Mr. Obama disassociated himself with Farrakhan, he later called President Obama “America's first Jewish President” (which is certainly true for numerous reasons—foremost being that Obama is a puppet of the Zionist establishment). I agree with Farrakhan's opposition to same-sex marriages.
The bottom line is that Farrakhan is a staunch Christ-rejecter and has no intentions of ever believing the Gospel that he could be saved. Many blacks like Farrakhan because, like Malcom X once correctly said, “MAKE SOME NOISE!!!” ...
Would to God that more born-again, blood-washed, Bible-believing Christians would MAKE SOME NOISE for God!
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