06 MAY 2022 Dalek News

2 years ago

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Having an abortion? Need to celebrate?
New Fetal Flurry flavor!
Bottoms-less fetal mimosa's

Yes, is your choice!
Choose banana fetal smoothies!

You'll be crazy about our Woke-a-hontas flavor!

Former bartender mocha fetus with crunchy afterbirth!

Get pregnant now, and have a roast fetus for thanks giving!
Up to the moment of crowning, you can have crown rack of fetus.
Planned parenthood abortion card, every sixth abortion is free.

Remember, its not murder, its a euphemism
Bought to you by the democratic death party.
Because when you can't breath, you turn blue.

Levis announces new abortion policy.
Not only do they make jeans that will fit your fat ass,
they will pay for you to have an aboortion.
Jeans in sizes X,L, X,X,L, super X L and Stacy Abaraham size.

Also, Happy Nurses Day
Thankyou for watching.


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