Roe v Wade OVERTURNED by SCOTUS REACTION: Exposing leftist hypocrisy/DEBUNKING pro choice arguments

2 years ago

Within the past few days, roe v wade has been overturned. This is clearly the correct decision to make considering the invalidity of the legalization of abortion. Firstly, the insinuation that abortion is a constitutional right is incorrect. Nowhere in the constitution does it permi the legalization of abortion, the pervasive belief in this myth can be attributed to the decades left wing propaganda. Considering abortion isn’t protected by the constitution, it should just be categorized as murder, this makes it illegal. Another common counter argument from abortion activists is that a “fetus is not a life”. This has been scientifically proven to be false and fallacious.

The issue with the left is their propensity to stretch the definition of words to make it fit their worldview that is completely divorced from reality, it is universally recognized by scientists that a heartbeat, developing organs and a pulse is when life begins. These developments take place in a fetus at 5 weeks; this proves that life begins at conception. This fact thus is proof that aborting a fetus past 6 week is murder by definition, and if you adhere to a moral compass, murder is illegal and wrong. Another argument the pro choice activists make is that a woman experiencing pregnancy is entirely her body, this is completely wrong. It is not her body, the fetus is its own body inside of her body. If a woman’s fetus was her body, then abortion would kill her and the unborn child

What people on the left also neglect to understand is the horrible history behind abortion clinics. You cannot support abortion and proclaim Black Lives Matter simultaneously. The founder of planned parenthood was a eugenicist that supported a full scale genocide against black Americans, the firs clinics were disproportionately built in black neighborhood to incentivize them to get abortion. This targeting o black people still lives on to this day, over 20 million unborn black children have been murdered because of this. Everyone who supports abortion inadvertentl supports black people being murdered. The irony is astounding

The left has even resorted to supporting abortion as an alternative to being placed in the foster care system. It never fails to amaze me how people think this is even an argument, how is being murdered better than being in foster care? Considering the complete lack of morality and anti scientific stance the left takes on abortion they can never claim to be morally superior to the right especially when they strictly adhere to their belief that life begins at birth thus causing them to justify 9 month abortions.

Expect violence to ensue within the next few days and nobody on the left will condemn it, thus provin their hypocrisy since these people are still seething over a mostly peaceful demonstration on January 6 lol

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