Broken Families Ep 14 - How Children's Identities are Affected By Alienation

3 years ago

There is no love without hate; and there is no hate without love. The opposite of love is not hate, but indifference; the opposite of feeling can only be the absence of feeling. Disinclination, which is coloured by feeling, often only serves the purpose of concealing and protecting oneself against an inclination. Love and hate must go hand in hand; and the people we love most we hate also, because hate is grounded in the nature of love.

~ Wilhelm Stekel

In this episode, Barbara and Andrew address how alienation impacts a child as they grow up. How does this affect their identity? What emotions do they experience? Does the alienated child hate the erased parent?

This episode can be emotionally charged so we recommend taking time to emotionally self regulate after listening to this episode.

To access the helpful downloadable document be sure to visit (there is a downloadable document after every episode).

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Barbara La Pointe, a Divorce Coach that specializes in high conflict relationships, Narcissistic Personalities and Inherited Family Trauma.

Andrew Folkler is a professional writer, Associate producer for Erasing Family documentary and actively volunteers as a guest speaker on Parental Alienation. Andrew experienced PA as a child, he shares his story to help other parents struggling with being estranged from their children.

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