3 years ago

Emperor Sarizen Judas has ruled uncontested since his ascension. He is vicious when provoked, has a serpentine intelligence and possesses a force of will that grinds mountains. His control over the elemental Mantra is unmatched. But he is dangerously repressive of all non-human species. His hatred is blind and relentless, damaging not only to the afflicted but also the nation itself. This is why Surr, one of Sarizen’s own High-Princes, has abandoned his people in the South and traveled to the Inner Kingdom. He must kill Sarizen, even if it seems impossible and may cost him everything. (less)
Tristen's Goodreads page https://t2m.io/FLhoq8Pc

Full length novels are THE DARKNESS THAT SLEPT and THE CITY OF LOCKED DOORS. Apple promo codes are available for both novels. Contact us if you would like one.

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