FLUFFY BANANA CAKE - blender recipe

2 years ago

2 eggs
2 chopped bananas - 197g approx.
4 tablespoons (sp) natural yogurt
1 spoon (sp) 100% cocoa powder
2 spoons (sp) - 27g - brown sugar
1 cup - 90g - rolled oats
cinnamon powder to taste
1/2 spoon (sp) chemical yeast

Beat the eggs, bananas, yogurt, brown sugar in a blender for approx. for 3 minutes. Add the oats and beat for another 3 minutes.
Then put the cinnamon powder and finally the yeast mixing with a spoon.

Place in greased silicone or aluminum molds.
Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes or test with a toothpick. Remove from oven and unmold.

yield: 8 to 9 cookies
PRESERVE: in a jar with a lid for 4 days in the fridge
FREEZE: up to 20 days

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