PVC Hoop Gardenhouse

2 years ago

This here is a last minute, "oh no we have some unexpectedly low May temps" project. I was unable to record the actual process here, but it really was quite simple.

Using my 1/2 " thick 10ft long PVC pipes, I wedged one end into one side of the raised bed, bent it over and wedged the other into the opposite side of the bed. I followed the same step with my fabric pots, which stability wise wouldn't be great long term, but will get us through some unexpected cold temps. After putting a few hoops I cut a pvc pipe to length ( few inches over in length on each side) and attached the center beam using twine. I again did the same for my fabric pot hoop house, but instead of PVC I used a wood dowel we had laying around that fit perfectly.

When I covered them with plastic I used cheap plastic spring clips from walmart, along with craft foam sheets that I cut to put against the plastic before attaching the clip. I did this to protect the plastic from any tears the clips may cause. When I covered the hoop frame over the pots I tucked the plastic under some of the pots to keep it a little more snug.

While not perfect, I am pretty confident this will do the job its intended to do.

You will also notice the two mine greenhouses I had purchased and did a video on recently from Groundwork.

Thanks for watching

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