Economic World War Is About to Get Even Hotter

2 years ago

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Most of us who are paying attention to geopolitics have come to the conclusion that wars are primarily economic. Some have known this for decades. Others are just now coming to the realization. Either way, we're seeing the economic warfare being waged by both East and West tearing down the fabric of society on both sides.

Unfortunately for us, we're not as well-prepared to handle the economic turmoil that stems from such an economic world war. Most in western society haven't experienced the types of food shortages, currency devaluation, dependence on government, and widespread destitution that is likely coming as a result of this war. Many if not most in Russia and China have experienced it in their lifetimes and are better prepared to not crumble under the weight of massive poverty.

On today's episode of The Midnight Sentinel, I explored an article by Brandon Smith over at Alt-Market and broke down the many extremely important points that he made. It's telling that the things he's been saying for years are coming to pass now. He, like many of us, have been warning of this likelihood because we hoped to change things before it was too late. Today, our course towards economic oblivion may be irreversible.

Thankfully, it's not our call. We must still continue to fight and spread the truth. God is in control, and we must do whatever we can to continue to fight the good fight.

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