Simple explanations of the Primal Vow and the idea of shinjin (faith) coming from Amida Buddha

3 years ago

This is a fragment from my Dharma discussion with Myoshin Jason Harris from UK after his online kieshiki (refuge ceremony). As you probably know, I offer online kieshiki ceremonies for those who want to become members of Amidaji temple and accept the orthodox views of our organization.

Here are some useful articles posted on my website:

Faith in Amida Buddha is not the creation of our mind -

A detailed explanation of the Primal Vow of Amida Buddha -

Other useful links:
Click here if you want to know about Amidaji branch of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism -

Click here if you want to read my autobiography -

Click here to download all my books for free -

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Namo Amida Bu

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