The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Party at Josie's Place!

2 years ago

Josie, Ainsleigh, Jezmaralda, and Vikktor decided to have a little dance party at Josie's place after hitting the mead keg a little heavy. The mod list in this is kinda heavy, but I'll try to get them all:

Jezmaralda (the tiny Breton redhead) & Vikktor are new followers that I am working on. They will feature their own questlines along with lots of custom dialog. The main questline is "The Pirates of Nirn" which sort of gives it away that it is pirate themed. That's all you're getting from me on that one. :P On to the rest:

Hair, as always, is Kalilies' KS Hairdos:

Female Skin (and it is an awesome skin texture!) is Fireapple's Dibellan True Skin:

Josie's armor is DX Celes Rogue Armor by DeserterX and Docteure:

Ainsleigh's armor is Lady Alina found at Sunjeong's Modding:

Vikktor & Jezmaralda are wearing the vanilla Thieves' Guild armor with FrankFamily's Frankly HD Thieves Guild Armor retextures:

The house is from the Dragon's Keep mod by KhrysINXS and revamped and uploaded by ToppDog:

The music (You can't craft a saddle!!!) is from the Tavern Band and Music mod:

For textures, I use a combination of a LOT of mods:

Boreal Whiterun 4k 2k (I use 2k always when available) by Sish15:

Sublime Solitude by Sish15:

Noble Skyrim by Shutt3r:

Skyland by SkyKing2020:

I'm sure I left a LOT of them out, but those are the main ones. Enjoy!

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