Riverbed Ranch, Utah, Progress Report For April 2022

2 years ago

Riverbed Ranch, Utah, is an off-grid community being built by the state's only non-profit land developer -- the Utah OSR Land Co-op. This video shows some of the progress of a few of the residents. Also watch our virtual tour: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJob3...

About the Riverbed Ranch

The Utah OSR Land Cooperative is a non-profit agricultural co-op organized under Title 3 of the Utah Code. The co-op shareholders together own all 1,245 acres of farmland known as Riverbed Ranch. It's located in Juab County on the border of Tooele County. The acreage has been divided into 250 homesteads where families can build the online-but-off-grid homestead of their dreams.

Three things make this homesteading project truly unique:

◉ Utah's first and only non-profit land developer helps families eliminate their mortgage and utility bills by building low-cost, self-reliance, off-grid homesteads.
◉ Low-cost homesteads – Our non-profit co-op actively searches for ways to reduce your costs in building and maintaining a high-value lifestyle for your family. You can get your family into your own 2-acre passive solar homestead beginning around $200,000, including passive solar home, barn/shop, greenhouse, and well.
◉ Protection from Societal Instability – We help families insulate and protect themselves from society's instability by setting them up to fulfill all their own life-sustaining needs – food, water, power, and sanitation.

Our Track Record

As of today, 106 co-op shareholders have followed our proven OSR Homestead Launching Process which includes the following:
● Attracting self-reliant, social people who share our vision of a modern homesteading community where families can provide their own needs while surrounded by others doing the same.
● The Path Training Program helps families identify their homesteading wants and needs, plans, and projected costs.
● The Academy of Self-Reliance newsletter keeps the vision alive and informs subscribers of group savings available.
● Prospective Shareholder Interview makes double-sure that your family is ready to make the transition to a lifestyle of independence & self-reliance.
● Joining the OSR Co-op – Families join a community of other self-reliant people working and helping each other.

Learn More:

Watch our 53-minute intro video explaining this project's roots and how it has progressed over the last several decades and come to fruition now as Riverbed Ranch! It's here: http://bit.ly/utah-pioneers​​​​

Visit two of the partners in this non-profit initiative:

We are also on:
MeWe: https://bit.ly/3rRwa4r
Parler: https://parler.com/#/user/Homesteading
Locals: https://homesteading.locals.com/
LinkedIn Group: Linkedin.com/company/29329738/
Facebook Page: Facebook.com/RiverbedRanch.UT
Facebook Group: https:/facebook.com/groups/academyofselfreliance
Tours: https://bit.ly/3Lka5DA

#buildingoffgrid #homesteading #farmlife #offgridliving #septic#permaculture #selfsufficiency #selfreliance #SustainableLiving #offgrid

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