Epis. 15 - 2022 Mini Series: Moving from SSI to SSD!

2 years ago

Welcome to the first part of this mini series designed to inform SSI beneficiaries of how they got where they are and how they may be able to move from SSI to SSD. Many an SSI recipient feels bittersweet when his disability battle is over and he has prevailed, only to learn that he did not prevail in Social Security Disability claim as intended, but is only receiving SSI instead. She worked long and hard and knows her SSD benefit paid for is way higher than the SSI welfare benefit she is receiving. (But see more on when there was not a robust work history, leaving a somewhat meagre SSD benefit!).

While recognizing the blessings of SSI, with gratitude, let's address this. This Episode explains what is needed for SSD for those so inclined to make the move and what the disabled SSI beneficiary failed to do to get SSD. Understanding this is the first step to possibly changing it.

(One conscientious viewer has kindly pointed out a dilemma that a minority of SSI folks fall into (or believe they do), whereby they believe they are losing welfare net gains when they get switched to SSD, (some may be!) which are addressed in the comments. It is also now touched on in Epis. 15.1, so take a watch-listen there as well. It is a point well-taken, so I think a video in the near future may be helpful. Note that these folks preferring the SSI and other welfares they receive do not fall into the middle class income majority of folks who worked enough for a near or average+ SSD benefits insurance amount, for whom SSD, earned by them, outweighs the non-taking of the SSI. BUT, they have a good point that deserves attention.

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