Shopify Dropshipping $100k in 30 Days - Top Country LLAs, Refunds and Customer Service - Ep4

2 years ago

Shopify Dropshipping $100k in 30 Days - Top Country LLAs, Refunds and Customer Service - Ep4

Barsin and his been grinding and working day and night to fulfil orders, provide customer service and run the business. The only person helping him is his mom. There's no team behind him, there's no VAs.

This is a great episode for everyone as it looks at the true hardships that dropshippers will encounter when working on stores of this scale. It's not all sunshine and rainbows!
You deal with a lot of customer issues and complaints and refunds.
We look at a great refund strategy and how to deal with them.

We also look at a really powerful strategy that no one is really talking about, that's creating Lookalike Audiences for your top countries.
Now, with Barsin's product being so strong, he's able to create a whole load of different LLA's as he has a ton of countries that are performing really well.

If you'd like, please check out Barsin's Instagram account and give him a follow!

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