Chappelle Attacker More BLM than Will Smith | Barstool’s Dave Portnoy Caves to Woke Mob

2 years ago

Everyone wants to tie the attack on comedian Dave Chappelle to the Will Smith-Oscar’s “slap heard ‘round the world.” Everyone but Jason Whitlock. In his daily fire-starter, the "Fearless" host argued that the Black Lives Matter movement had more to do with inspiring Isaiah Lee to assault Chappelle on stage than it did with Will Smith smacking comedian Chris Rock at the Academy Awards. “Lee’s role models are the entitled, angry, and identity-confused victims who fashion themselves as social justice warriors under the names Black Lives Matter and Antifa,” Jason said. He added that BLM wants to replace the nuclear family with dysfunctional, impossible-to-define “villages.” "Fearless" contributor Shemeka Michelle fanned the flames of Jason’s fire, blasting modern culture for failing to maintain proper family hierarchy, values, and standards of behavior. Plus, Steve Kim, the Korean Cosell, later joined the show to discuss the possibility of the Lakers trading LeBron James, whether Draymond Green is overhyped, and Jason’s contention that Barstool founder Dave Portnoy is starting to cave to the woke mob.

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