911 Call, Dr. Leon Kelly, Dan Crowley Sr., Suspicious Activity (Gray Stage #220)

3 years ago

Compilation of Videos:

1) The 911 Call - In this video, we go over the transcripts of the 911 calls made by the Prochnows on January 17, 2015. It would be great to see what, if anything, you find in the calls made to 911. To read the transcripts yourself, you can find it here: https://thegraystage.files.wordpress.com/2019/10/911-transcript-redac.pdf

2) Dr. Leon Kelly Interview - Was just looking up Dr. Kelly's background online and found that he DOES have a forensic pathology background. This was not mentioned when I asked him his specialty. However, again, he DOES have a forensic pathology background. This is the first interview with Dr. Leon Kelly from the El Paso County Coroner's Office. I would like to say thank you to Dr. Kelly for taking the time to answer questions and explain the autopsy reports of David, Komel, and Raniya Crowley. There's a point in the video where I'm talking about Dr. Kelly's explanation of "indeterminate". At the end of that I say "intermediate", when the word should have been "indeterminate". There were more questions than time, so in the future another interview with Dr. Kelly will hopefully take place. For now, though, here's how Dr. Kelly explained the medical reports.

3) The Curious Case of Dan Crowley Sr. - Dan Hennen discusses the statement made by David's father and how the evidence doesn't corroborate what was said.

4) The Gray Stage Podcast #16 - Suspicious Activity: Part One

5) Podcast Preview - Suspicious Activity: Part Two

The Gray Stage by Greg Fernandez Jr. (Free Download https://thegraystage.wordpress.com/2019/10/07/thegraystagebook/)

The Gray Stage Podcast (https://anchor.fm/thegraystage)
(https://open.spotify.com/show/2cZWnmrJpuUTcSylptiy5C) is hosted by Anchor.FM (https://anchor.fm/thegraystage)

Download the free book, Nine-Eleven by Greg Fernandez Jr. (https://whatistruth911.wordpress.com/2019/10/27/nine-eleven/)

Free Book Download (Publish Date: January 20th, 2020)(https://thegraystage.files.wordpress.com/2020/09/full-script-updated-2020-2.pdf-embed-trial-3-2.pdf)

Print Version of Book (http://www.lulu.com/shop/greg-fernandez-jr/the-gray-stage/paperback/product-24401678.html)

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AVPD Crime Scene Photos


BCA Crime Scene Photos (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jl0bnuctjken2fg/AADlNQx5AzDTMdblxXus4U5ga?dl=0&fbclid=IwAR38vV12zzzX4_Kko0wCOekeW-Qqfn82-tglwt7_CQ4hEGj5RLtxiJ1h35I)

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