Cartisan Keybd X Review— Key Fob Vaporizer

2 years ago

Remember the original Keybd? A brilliant design that had everyone mixing their car keys and vape device. Well now there's a bigger, better version. The Keybd X.

With a new paint job, the variable voltage Keybd X houses a 650mah battery. Almost double the size of its predecessor. A Micro USB cable still charges the deice, except this time its removable.

Being bigger isn't always better, but in this case it is. Cartisan has finally raised the voltage settings to the following: 3.4v on green, 3.7v on blue, and a whopping 4.0v on red. boosted the Voltage setting options with the option to vape at 4.0 volts. Same as always 3 rapid clicks of the power button will cycle through the voltage settings and 2 rapid clicks will activate the 10 second pre-heat function.

Cartisan also added a Battery life indicator which is made visible through the LED lights on the power button and activated with 4 rapid clicks. The settings are as follows Red- 0-19%, Blue- 20-70%, and Green-71-100%.

The Cartisan Keybd X has arrived and it is here to party!

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