Human Experiments in Conformity and Behavior

2 years ago

Several infamous experiments in human behavior.

Human beings are far too compliant and agreeable for their own good! I happen to take pride in being a "Rebel" or a non-conformist! I wear it as a badge of honor!

However, I'm NOT the standard human being, as we' can see in the following experiments. People will literally stay in a dangerous situation because "the group" decides to stay in that situation!

It's important that we all know our tendencies to be too compliant so that we can be fully aware of this tendency, and take steps to rectify it!

This video has several Experiments. The Asch Conformity Experiment, The Milligram Experiment, The Stanford Prison Experiment, and several others studying human behavior, and the influence of the group on that behavior!

Your children should be taught about this type of thing!
Your average human being becomes an unthinking, mindless zombie of sorts when put into a group situation!

It's very important for all of us to be aware of these tendencies, and more importantly, do NOT allow what people may think about you influence your decisions at all!

"Go with your gut!" That's the Holy Spirit talking to you!
"The Group" as a rule, is full of morons! So do not allow their actions or what they may think about you influence you at all!

You are much too intelligent to allow a group of idiots to control your actions! Studies like these have been going on a lot over the past 100 years. The controllers of this world use fear to put you into a group think mentality, because they can easily manipulate you once you enter that state

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